Safety First

I’m glad you’re sticking around and care about ocean safety.  If you just got here, don’t just dive right in… Get up to speed by checking out my first post about the importance of ocean safety, especially if you love the beach and the ocean as much as I do.  I know we’ve covered a lot recently, so today were going to talk about some general safety tips that you all are probably familiar with.  As we go, we’ll make comparisons to ocean safety, which may help make things a bit more clear.

First things first, use common sense.  If you stumbled across this blog, you probably spend a decent amount of time surfing the web.  You know when a website or file looks sketchy and should be avoided, as it may have malicious content.  The ocean doesn’t have malicious intentions, but I promise it can mess you up a whole lot more than any virus or malware can.  Always proceed with caution, and be on the lookout for scenarios that look dangerous.

Next, get educated.  That’s the whole point of this blog!  There is tons of information out there about how to install firewalls and security systems on your computer and how to avoid or if needed, get rid of malicious hardware on your computer.  KINE 320 at Cal Poly offers a lot of great information on this.  Check out my last blog post for some resources specifically relating to ocean safety and awareness, and go get educated on how you can be better prepared for whatever the ocean throws at you.

Finally, be prepared.  Always backup important work on your computer in case something goes wrong.  If you’re planning on going anywhere where your laptop or any sort of electronic device could get damaged, its never a bad idea to back it up somewhere secure beforehand.  If you’ve been reading this blog, you also know not to go to the beach without checking the surf and weather report first.  Be prepared for whatever life throws at you and you’ll be a lot better off.

The internet can be dangerous just like the ocean at times.  Stay on top of your internet safety can keep your computer running smoothly, especially so that you can stay up to date with my blog posts.  Follow me on Vimeo at Connor Varney and Instagram @oceanawarenessgram to keep up with the ocean awareness program.

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